Counting From The 5 BC Birth Of Christ
The Year 2000 Ended In 1996 AD
The LORD'S Day Is Here
A Broad But Detailed Discussion Of Prophetic End Times Events Lays Out The Schedule Now Unfolding. Reality Becomes Obvious! Matters Are No Longer Hidden.
Slavery To International Organized Crime (Goliath) Robs Nations, People, And Corporations. Corruption In Government And Wall Street. Biblical History And Prophecy Coming True. Scripture Explains End Times Events In Detail. The 35 Years Of Severe Tribulations Are Only The Beginning For Wrongdoers. Humanity Divides Into Two Kingdoms: The Holy Kingdom Survives But The Tares Will Suffer Afflictions. Their Doomsday Is Coming. The Temple Will Be Built. GOD'S Holy Ark Taken Captive, The Glory Of GOD Returns, The Eternal Congregation Becomes True Israel. The Second Exodus Is Now Underway. Prepare For The Glorious Solemn Assembly And Utopia.
Welcome To Brian's House!
THE OPTIONS: Entering Brian's Fabulous Estate: (1) Brian's House (you are here), (2) Brian's Annex, (3) Brian's Theatre, or (4) Brian's Study.
THE BATTLE: A glimpse at Goliath's efforts to unseat President Bill Clinton who inherited the world throne that once belonged to others.
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The Giant, His Gang, And Their Scams Rob The People, Their National Treasury, And Nations Worldwide (Isaiah 10:13-14).
THE WORLD SCEPTRE: The Panorama From Brian's Front Door. Begin your tour of Brian's House here.
THE GIANT: Seeing Goliath From Brian's House: King Saul and successors cower in fear. Goliath's "Starr" blackmailed Saul using White Water, Sex, and whatever; but, nary a word about the vile Scams #1, #2, #3, etc. And, "Put the blame on 'that other party,' NOT on Goliath." Meanwhile, the Giant, His Gang, and their Scams continue robbing the People, their National Treasury, and Nations throughout the world while the controlled media remains silent (Isaiah 10:13-14).
" is she become a tributary!"
Lamentations 1:1
A SAMPLE OF GOLIATH'S EVIL: A preview of the Scams.
THE GANG VERSUS THE GATHERING: Those Who Serve The Gang Are Part Of The Gang; Whereas, Those Who Serve GOD In Righteousness Become Part Of The Gathering.
SCAM #1: International Organized Crime is ripping off the people via the National Treasury while being aided, abetted, and protected by the US Government. This amounts to about $350 Billion annually in bogus interest and far more when payments of bogus principle and wages of agents on the public payrolls are considered. Why isn't the White House, The Congress, The Justice Department, The FBI, etc. doing anything to stop this larceny? Slavery is illegal! So, why do slavemasters take a cut out of every paycheck before the workers get to spend it? People who don't "volunteer" go to prison and/or have their property seized. Again, that's illegal slavery plain and simple. The Scriptures foretold of this larceny.
SCAM #2: International Organized Crime is controlling the national markets selling bogus counterfeit receipts while being aided, abetted, and protected by the US Government. Legitimate receipts are being severely "watered" and companies are being deliberately damaged and bankrupted to eliminate the thieves' liabilities to repurchase their counterfeit receipts. Again, why isn't Government protecting the public interests? The Scriptures foretold of this larceny. It's the same age-old scam used by the thieves in the Temples and by the Gold Merchants of old. Thievery is thievery!
Three significant hyperlinks that supplement SCAM #2 are identified here for your convenience:
Copy Of: US Senate Subcommittee Letter Dated 30 January 1974
The chicanery could materialize with a deliberately concocted depression far worse than the 1929-1930's maliciously engineered debacle if people do nothing. The 35 years of Severe Tribulations are here
SCAM #3: International Organized Crime's international loan scam robbing nations everywhere.
SCAM #4: International Organized Crime's invasion of the USA. I.O.C.'S conquest and control of the US Senate: to pervert the nation's laws, to usurp State's sovereignty over the US Senate, and to control corrupted Government ... all in order to facilitate I.O.C.'S robbery of the US Treasury, I.O.C.'S robbery of the citizenry and their corporations, and I.O.C.'S robbery of nations everywhere.
SCAM #5: International Organized Crime's role in taking GOD'S Holy Ark prisoner in 1985 is bringing great troubles upon themselves, upon those serving and protecting them, and upon their children (Exodus 20:5;34:7). Yes, taking GOD'S Holy Ark captive is a most serious offence (Zechariah 5:4; Joshua 7:1-26; Judges 5:23).
If a human can be "the apple of His eye" (Zechariah 2:8), how much worse can it be for those responsible for seizing GOD'S Holy Ark over which The Glory Of GOD (Shiloh) appears? What about those who financed and help maintain this wrongful captivity? Yes, what a way to acquire damnation and to take your servants and their children with you!
HOW CAN I HELP? Four suggested steps that The Firstfruits might follow plus a brief description of the overall plan and participants therein.
FRAYING THE FOUR BEASTS: Describes the Four Unrighteous Powers. Elements of the Four Powers become as Carpenters (builders) to fray the Beasts (destroyers). The great battle between good and evil undergoes changes as the good enters the picture.
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"THEY SHALL FALL" The Demise Of Thieves And Those Serving Them. Scams show the reality of Bible Prophecy. Prophecy also describes the fall of thieves and their supporters. Help slay Goliath ... spread the word and keep complaining.
WHEN WILL THE THIEVES FALL: Everyone knows that humanity existed for thousands of years before progressing beyond the horse and buggy era. Then, in less than 70 years (1900-1970), humanity suddenly leapt into the Space Age. Humanity now has entered a unique "final 42 year-hour" (1/24 times 1,000) wherein all sorts of events are evolving. Even the demise of the thieves (the transfer of the cup) has been foretold. The 46 year Turning Point is defined.
PART I: Perceiving GOD'S Schedule: an overview of the End Times.
PART II: 3,333... A Major Step In Prophecy Began: getting more specific.
PART III: Puzzle Pieces: even the Thieves and other wrongdoers are entitled to know the truth.
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GOD'S HOLY DAYS provide unique details of the End Times Schedule as each foreshadows End Times Events.
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LETTER TO: CHRISTIAN COMMON LAW INSTITUTE who stated in simple terms: "... the fact that those particular shares are never actually issued by a public company. In simple terms, this means they are counterfeit shares of a public stock."
LETTER TO: MICROSOFT (Dated 20 May '98): Robbery In Progress: outlines a few examples of transferring blame and liability for International Organized Crime's wrongdoings. Microsoft's Stockholders, including CEO Bill Gates, are targets of their ongoing attack to obliterate I.O.C.'S liabilities to repurchase the myriad bogus counterfeit receipts sold to the naive public.
LETTER TO PLANET HOLLYWOOD (Dated 18 August '99): Planet Hollywood Bankruptcy: offers evidence that International Organized Crime's operations continue unabated while the SEC and other authorities continue serving and protecting I.O.C.
SEC MISLEADS PUBLIC: (Florida Today newspaper article: Dated 1 Oct. '98): "Cities, schools take SEC heat." An example of the SEC's ongoing support of International Organized Crime as the SEC attempts to further transfer blame and liability to victims.
LETTER TO ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND OTHERS (DATED 7 OCT. '98): Re: the 1993-1994 robbery of Orange County, the cities of Anaheim and Irvine, and school districts. It's time to sue the thieves and their protectors.
POST SCRIPT TO OCCA ET AL (Dated 14 Oct '98): This post script conveyed specific material in plain text with direct URLs. Material should provide ample understanding regarding the illegal transfer of blame and liability to victims namely Orange County California Authorities, its communities, and citizens by the swindlesome market operators and the SEC.
WHY THE ARROW WAS KILLED: A.V. Roe Canada Ltd, built the world's fastest (Mach 2+) aircraft of its day only to have the Canadian Government cancel its contacts with AVRO and then send in the military to destroy the unique state of the art aircraft and everything associated with it. This open letter to everyone now explains why it happened and the probable destination of the one surviving Arrow aircraft.
WHY SUSPECT THAT THE LONE SURVIVING ARROW WENT TO RUSSIA? When the overall picture is understood, the individual pieces are easier to fit together.
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WHY IS IT HAPPENING? Amazing Adversities: reasons thieves, their supporters, and other wrongdoers ought to change their ways. The 35 Years of Severe Tribulations outlined.
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GOD'S MARRIAGE LAWS: These laws differ considerably from humanity's practices and understanding. Yet, these laws even outline events of these end times and have never been abolished.
A COMMON DILEMMA explains the consequences when a maiden gives her virginity to one male (who becomes her true husband) and then lives in whoredom with another. Remember, the male marries the virgin when he goes into the maiden.
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THE KINGDOMS: Thy Kingdom Come. Seeing the Holy Kingdom exposes imposters. The wise will act accordingly. Remember, the world divides into two Kingdoms: one survives and the other does not. So, enjoy this tad of history.
SECTION I: What Do The Scriptures Say: Where Is True Israel? None are exempt, The perversions of GOD'S marriage laws, The Israelites, The great charades. And GOD'S marriage laws are key to knowing who's who in Scripture.
SECTION II: Laying The Grounds For Today: The Origin Of Peoples. The post flood era, Transforming Phoenicia's mercantile empire, The preflood era, Mixing them up.
SECTION III: Yes, What Have The Scriptures Been Saying? The Congregation. The threat, A promise, The true divisions, Captivity in the land of the North, The captivity ends and the gathering begins, The Son receives His Kingdom, The sequence.
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VISIBLE PROPHECY: Prophecy Come True. Events foretold thousands of years ago are evolving in our lifetimes. Much is jam-packed into a final 42 year-hour now evolving. Will it all come true? Watch and see!
PART I: Two Dozen Topics Are Offered In Brief.
PART II: A Few More Are Discussed In Depth.
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THE WARNING: The Watchman's Warnings. Sound The Trumpet ... The Internet!
SUMMARY: Briefly reviews Humanity's great journey unto these End Times. Reiterates a serious admonition. Reminds people that GOD'S Holy Ark has been taken prisoner. Then discusses the early settlement of this world. Reiterates that GOD is the GOD of all people and that sinners need to straighten out their act or else as vengeance belongeth unto GOD.
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BEWARE OF SERVING EVIL AND EVILDOERS: A Special Menu: This is a special report dealing with International Organized Crime ripping-off the citizenry, National Treasury, etc. while being serviced and protected by authorities and others purportedly acting in the public interest. The closer one looks, the more obvious matters become.
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INITIAL BRIEF Suit against State of Florida for serving and protecting International Organized Crime and harassing whistle blowers. Suit is brought pursuant to Misprision Laws requiring citizens to report crimes to "some judge."
STATE'S MOTION TO STRIKE, ETC. Further evidence of State's participation to serve and protect International Organized Crime.
OBJECTION TO STATE'S MOTION TO STRIKE, ETC. Citizen's response to the Court included the following letter with enclosures.
LETTER DATED 20 MAY 2003 TO GOV. JEB BUSH SUBJECT: "BLESSING VS. CURSES" Transmittal letter compares attacks against whistle blowers with those more directly serving and protecting International Organized Crime.
ENCLOSURE TO 20 MAY 2003 LETTER, SUBJECT: "HUMAN KINGS OF KINGS IN HELL" Describes the world today under the Left Hand of GOD and the pending future as promised in Scripture. Text offers understanding for all serious Biblical Students.
THE COURT'S RESPONSE: The Judge chose to challenge GOD. Defying GOD places the well-being of himself, his colleagues, and their families at stake. This is further evidence that the Court serves International Organized Crime and not the laws and Justice.
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This Site (includes Brian's HATS: Brian's House, Brian's Annex, Brian's Theatre, and Brian's Study) is being continuously updated. This notice is dated December 15th 2010.
Prepared By Father - Son Team | |
George & Dana Brown P.O. Box 320932 Cocoa Beach, Florida USA 32932-0932 Email: ![]() |